I am trying my best not to allow my emotions to overcome me. But it is a matter that concerns me and every vagina and comic owning person in the free world:
Why is
Catwoman portrayed as a lowly shut-in? Until she is either ravaged by cats, or um, well saved by cats? Is that what I want to say?
Let's take a peek at the offenders...Mystical cats that breathe power into the now dead Patience Phillips, after she was chased to her death down some plumbing(?). Apparently these cats have been pursuing her to see if she was worthy of their tuna scented powers. I still think they should have given the gift to a guinea pig. I'm sure it would've been smarter and not given its identity up after the first heist. (Note to future Catwomen: Do not write on objects at the scene of the crime, they can trace that)
Selina Kyle, a wronged secretary who transforms into Catwoman after being thrown from a building. Here our Selina only gains powers after some alley cats eat the fleshy parts of her fingers and whatever else our hungry felines can scour. After this, she is no longer the shy, demure secretary; she's assertive, sexy, and well versed in self defense.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I really thought the transformation was due to years of sexual abuse/prostitution. She then trained to become the person she is today. The origins always vary, but the story stays the same: Selina Kyle busted her ass and overcame her past life of abuse. And really loves cats.
Which finally brings me to my point. Or question, really. Why does Catwoman have to have something utterly ridiculous to happen to become her character? Can't she just train like the rest of them? Is it that far fetched that a female can be that strong without the aid of mystical cats? I understand that there is never enough time for origin stories, but Spiderman 3 did. And that was for 3 villains. She had her own movie for cryin' out loud. I think I had more fun getting my uterus scraped then watching that movie in its entirety.
So, why does our fearless feline get relegated to some transcendental experience while the boys get solid origin stories? I know not everyone hearts Selina Kyle as much as I do, but she deserves it, and so does every geek watching.
Perhaps someday they will make a Catwoman worthy enough that I can fully support. I just hope Ed Brubaker is behind it.