At work one time the talent ordered pizzas for everybody. Now, when this happens there is always that attempt to please everybody. I enjoy that and I usually eat cheese. Plain ole cheese pizza, no veggies. (Sometimes assumed that I eat veggie pizza and to be honest I can't stand the stuff. Unless it was just onions. MMmmm...) My co-worker and I were both vegetarian so we assumed that there would be plenty left amidst the sea of meat lovers.
Well, imagine my shock when I went for pizza and there were two slices left. Un-fucking-believable. Glanced over at other unrustled boxes, only a couple 'o slices missing from the supreme and the sausage. Same deal with the other meaty ones. Now, if I do recall, 20 minutes prior when everyone was shouting out orders, I along with my meatless comrade were mocked for not wanting "Delicious Meaty Meat Pizza" and just couldn't believe our dissent against the meaty pizza gods. I peek into the boxes again, yup, two slices.
Apparently there were more dissenters in our midst but refused to confess to the pillaged pizza. Why didn't they speak up? You know you can be inconspicuous about it if you say you just like cheese. But that's just too hard, I think that they didn't want to be outed. At our expense. And I was really hungry that day too.
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