Monday, December 31, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Saber Tooth cats covered in tar look like Wooly Mammoths
Friday, December 07, 2007
Not so Farsi away....
I bought tickets for a screening of Persepolis that includes a Q&A with Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud. I have been a long time fan of the graphic novels, so here's hoping it will be a great interpretation. I caught an interview with Marjane Satrapi that mentioned she had complete creative control. (yea!) Although my one qualm so far is the subtitles. In the previews they are white, blending in a bit too well. It'll make for an interesting experience, that's for certain.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
My rabbit doesn't have to wear my mascara anymore
By Anne Casselman
In cosmetic labs, rabbits donning mascara and lipstick are on the way out, while patches of lab-grown skin are in. L’Oréal has developed an uncanny human skin substitute called Episkin that is animal friendly and can determine whether an ingredient will turn toxic in the sun or corrode, penetrate, or irritate human skin.
To make Episkin, a layer of fish collagen is seeded with human skin cells discarded from plastic surgeries. “One hundred cells are able to multiply, and you can get 20 million cells within a week,” says Patricia Pineau, research communications director at L’Oréal. After seven days, voilà! You have a patch of skin that can tan and age under UV light. Last year, Episkin was used to test some 3,000 products.
Episkin is in part a response to the European Union Cosmetics Directive, which calls for a ban on all animal testing by 2013. The skin substitute is also being used to make customized grafts for burn victims and for children who can’t handle exposure to UV light without risking cancer.
Here is a link to cosmetic companies that still do animal testing:
And a whole web page devoted to the ones who do not:
Friday, November 09, 2007
Catwoman gets her "powers" from cats
I am trying my best not to allow my emotions to overcome me. But it is a matter that concerns me and every vagina and comic owning person in the free world:
Why is Catwoman portrayed as a lowly shut-in? Until she is either ravaged by cats, or um, well saved by cats? Is that what I want to say?
Let's take a peek at the offenders...Mystical cats that breathe power into the now dead Patience Phillips, after she was chased to her death down some plumbing(?). Apparently these cats have been pursuing her to see if she was worthy of their tuna scented powers. I still think they should have given the gift to a guinea pig. I'm sure it would've been smarter and not given its identity up after the first heist. (Note to future Catwomen: Do not write on objects at the scene of the crime, they can trace that)
Selina Kyle, a wronged secretary who transforms into Catwoman after being thrown from a building. Here our Selina only gains powers after some alley cats eat the fleshy parts of her fingers and whatever else our hungry felines can scour. After this, she is no longer the shy, demure secretary; she's assertive, sexy, and well versed in self defense.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I really thought the transformation was due to years of sexual abuse/prostitution. She then trained to become the person she is today. The origins always vary, but the story stays the same: Selina Kyle busted her ass and overcame her past life of abuse. And really loves cats.
Which finally brings me to my point. Or question, really. Why does Catwoman have to have something utterly ridiculous to happen to become her character? Can't she just train like the rest of them? Is it that far fetched that a female can be that strong without the aid of mystical cats? I understand that there is never enough time for origin stories, but Spiderman 3 did. And that was for 3 villains. She had her own movie for cryin' out loud. I think I had more fun getting my uterus scraped then watching that movie in its entirety.
So, why does our fearless feline get relegated to some transcendental experience while the boys get solid origin stories? I know not everyone hearts Selina Kyle as much as I do, but she deserves it, and so does every geek watching.
Perhaps someday they will make a Catwoman worthy enough that I can fully support. I just hope Ed Brubaker is behind it.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Liberace gerbils look like joshua trees
Anyways, we decided to head on back to land of Elvis to purchase yet another, gerbil. Besides, the Colonel was waiting...
The Mojave hasn't always been the best hostess, but she sure is a sight to see...
The Joshua trees are my personal favorite
More Mountains...
We finally reach one of my favorite spots on the way to Vegas; Baker, California. It's the gateway to Death Valley, and pretty much the only spot that has gas and food for quite some time. Baker has the largest thermometer out of alot of people, it's always fun to check how ungodly hot it is out.
And another fav of mine, the Mad Greek! I don't think I took any pictures of the actual building, but I figured this was good enough.
Well, fortunately for us, we were not headed to Salt Lake City.
My ears were KILLING me.
Alright! We finally made it inside the state of Nevada! The casinos that welcome you across are pretty nifty.
Once we got into Vegas, we went straight to the place that the Colonel is from: Pet Kingdom USA. This place has kinkajoos, sugar gliders, MONKEYS, lizards and lots of other crazy things that might give you monkeypox.
Unfortunately, all the gerbils looked like Bartelby, so we went over to Petsmart, to find a gerb. (Note: I would've been fine with another grey gerb.) We found a black one, sort of resembled the Lord Gilmore. But she was under a lot of stress, from being alone, and the way that she was handled, we decided to take her under our wing.
Before we left, I knew we had to tend to one more matter:
The Hooka smoke shop? No, the Liberace museum!!
In all her glory...
We didn't get to go in, she was closed...
So welcoming...
After all that excitement, we decided to head back to L.A.
Vegas treated us well, but the new gerb was pumped to get into her new digs and leave her old life of abuse behind.
When we finally got home, that dang cat that I have been suspicious of left me a present:
I guess I should be thankful that someone was thinking of me.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
Fair and ...
"Fair and Handsome. Five power fairness system to make skin fair and handsome in 4 weeks."
Whaaa??! I knew India's population was rankled with fair and dark prejudices due to the Caste system and probably other reasons, but really? You want to bleach your skin? It's sad, and really disgusting that there is a product meant for this. Can't we stop the ridiculous idea that fair is superior?
A great web page that discusses the ethics of Fair and Handsome :
Here is the commercial:
Sunday, July 29, 2007
R.I.P. Lord Gilmore
But the one that has missed her most was her cagemate, Gloria. They spent 2.5 years of roommate bliss. They groomed, fought and slept together. They would box each other for dominance, even though Gilmore would win while Gloria would have some urine on her behind. They moved out here together and they were very bonded. After her death, Gloria became very depressed and would only come out of her house for necessities, that was all. She was a changed animal, Gloria missed her Gilly.
Lord Gilmore loved her dust baths and rolling in the bath tub on her back. She was 2.5 years old.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Lord Gilmore ain't doing so hot
Well, I suppose you could ignore the last post about the epilepsy. I thought she was having a seizure but unfortunately, it is a lot worse. She has a respiratory infection, which could kill her. She hasn't moved much, and she hardly drinks water if at all. I loaded a syringe with a bit of water to hydrate her, which slightly woke her a bit. I took her to the vet and she wanted to keep her over night. On oxygen. I declined, only because I know that the stay would make her more stressed being without her cage mate. I did think it was sort of odd that they recommended that. As a small animal vet, wouldn't you know at least know that about gerbils? My other vet, knows her shit about a gerbil or two.
Continuing on, they prescribed two different types of antibiotics. I really hope they work because her butt looks pretty bad, almost to the point it could be Tyzzer's. I am hoping against hope that the Lord Gilmore can pull her self through this. She is a strong little gerb, I just hope she lives.
Monday, July 02, 2007
blood tears

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Hip Hop Material girl Part II
Monday, June 11, 2007
14 miles a day

A call to the parents assured that notion. We had a broken spark plug on our hands. Things were starting to look pretty ugly. The solution for now after a tireless argument was that I was to ride my bike to work. All 14 miles, round trip. I initially though nothing of this. I actually wanted to start riding to work, but my opportunity came faster than I thought it would.

A hot bath was ordered, topped off with some epsom salt and gingerbread bubble bath. I emerged, feeling my essence slowing returning. I surrendered to my bedroom escape. Engulfed with blankets, I felt dread slowly creep in. Realizing that I had to make the same trek in 12 hours, I slid my face mask over and made the sandman do my bidding.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
The Legal arm of Satan
What frustrates me is that people accept this without questioning. How can we evolve when half of our species continues to believe that the world is flat?
Sunday, June 03, 2007
hip-hop material girl part I
She was about to make a choice that would affect the rest of her afternoon.
Tequila blood bath dance
Sunday, May 27, 2007
I'm baaaccckkk!!!!!!!
More to come....