Friday started out like any normal day does. I decided to get a new tire for my car, the old one was finished with standing the test of time. $80 later, my new addition beamed from the pollution incrusted vehicle. Feeling pretty spectacular, I figured I should do the spark plugs as well. I took my platinum (the only thing that makes my car high class) spark plugs with the required tools out to the parking lot. My stepdad and his keen timing called to let me know that I should wait until the engine cooled down. I heeded the advice, only to see Seth's head outside after an hour. I pursued while questioning his travels. He popped the hood of my car, then inspected the emgine. Feeling that the engine was a

wee bit warm, I beckoned him to the door. He shrugged me off, then proceeded with the removal. One loud crack later brandished a broken spark plug. A loud crack is common with the changing, but something didn't look right.
A call to the parents assured that notion. We had a broken spark plug on our hands. Things were starting to look pretty ugly. The solution for now after a tireless argument was that I was to ride my bike to work. All 14 miles, round trip. I initially though nothing of this. I actually wanted to start riding to work, but my opportunity came faster than I thought it would.

After one hellish night of riding a bike with one peddle, I awoke the same day with a mission. I hiked up to Kmart, bought a nice Huffy mountain bike. On sale too! Nice! I thought that I would have this ride made; all flat, no real big hills. Nice new bike. Unfortunately, incorrect. The ride to work was no big deal, but the morning bike ride was sure to destroy me. Crying seemed like the only viable solution. Or calling Seth so he could walk to me and carry me home. All things made perfect logical sense. But I trudged on. I made it home, only to feel the tears. I couldn't believe it; I was finally home! My building never looked so good.
A hot bath was ordered, topped off with some epsom salt and gingerbread bubble bath. I emerged, feeling my essence slowing returning. I surrendered to my bedroom escape. Engulfed with blankets, I felt dread slowly creep in. Realizing that I had to make the same trek in 12 hours, I slid my face mask over and made the sandman do my bidding.
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