I decided today that my closet needed a ferocious cleaning and organising. I know that the roaches have been co-habitating there, and since their favorite kitchen spots were no more, my closet provided the ultimate in nesting.
Upon entering, I was greeted by a delightful momma roach. She welcomed me in to the squalor, hung my hat and offered me a cup of joe. I delined. Should probably have been a tad nicer, but I had items to tend to. She prattled on and on about how many times she has moved in the past few hours because no where is safe anymore. I took a step in and noticed the sack of puppies on her back. Her children needed to be able to play and be kids with out worrying. I told her all would be taken care of. Her pinpoint eyes and antennae twitched with curiousity and delight. So many questions she had for me. Ignoring her rampant inquisitions, my hands made good of the distraction and grabbed what could be the solution for mama roaches everywhere.
Drawing each breath lightly, I delivered on my promise. Her tiny antennaes curled as her legs buckled underneath her flightless body. Her wing softened the fall as her last words were heard.
"Lemons were always my favorite."
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