Friday, October 30, 2009

Cosmo means asshole in ancient language

My sweet red-eared slider turtle likes to phuk up her tank right after I arrange it so she can climb up and sunbathe.


Monday, October 26, 2009

Unborn...sort of wished it stayed that way.

Watched a really terrible movie last night; if you can believe it, worse than Day of the Dead remake.

No joke, really.

The Unborn.

For the love of the unborn, don't see it. The plot, is just. plain. awful.

Dreadful, really.

The whole thing starts because she was pregnant with twins. (sorr-no, you know what? I'm not apologizing for giving away the ending because A. you will thank me later B. Wiki always gives it away)


Enough with the creepy child crap. Children already scare me; I need no more reasons to run away from them.

Abusing the semi-colon was on my To-do list

I got my grade back for my project, and it was I guess what I was expecting. A part of me was sad; all the hours I put into the lame thing, and it was pretty much me not obsessing about the right parts.

Oh well, I guess.

In unrelated news, a couch purchase was made. Totally rad. I am way too pumped for this new piece of furniture. Especially all the naps I'm gonna take. Boy and I are doing really well. It feels surreal that things are going so fabu. Two friends of mine that have been single fo' evah are meeting decent men and going on great dates: yay! My very special friend's divorce is filed, and as we speak; maybe be completed! Months of misery are now over (I'm hoping anyway)

Ran into one of my fave people in the universe: Ms. Bohanon ('cuz I'm nasty) at the RFD in Santa Monica. She's doing ultra well, and there is a playdate in the near future. She recently moved to Silverlake, and she and her roomie are renting a sweet casa. After the run in, it took forever for my heart to stop racing. It was beyond awesome to see her; being that she is such a good, sweet lady and I miss hangin out with her. One of my favorites in L.A. (on the basis that I am pretty sure we were separated at birth - although a few years part; I attribute that she was put in a refrigerator for a while then taken out for good measure.) Then after the spaztastic reunion, delicious vittles were had. Tempeh meat loaf, steamed veggies, mashed potatoes and gravy, with a Caesar salad, organic beer; and more than perfect company, the evening was complete.

Hmmm...what else?

The love of the Lucite wheel finally brought me to my knees last Thursday. It involved my sister, Glendale, Thai food, and yours truly. Moonlight rollersomething or other is pretty fantastic, and recommended if you love to skate and listen to top 40s music. We were exasperated when we heard "Get into the Groove" by the one and only Madge as we were leaving. I try to always request some 80s goodness at the roller rink, and we were not able to this time. Although "thriller" was played. There was also some bad dancing, singing, and some older folks hot doggin' on the plywood as well.

Also, met up with (finally) this sweet lady that goes by the name of Lisa a few weeks ago. Excellent time, except for some douche bags. Hopefully will get to see her lovely and intelligent mug again soon.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's just me and you, Pro Tools.

I have been taking a sound design class as of late, and I absolutely adore it. I never knew I have such a fervor for creating sonic environments. I mean, when I go to class, I have never felt so jazzed before in my life. Even when I was talking Avid classes. Actually, I should thank them for turning me on to post audio. I realized how bored I was doing video, then audio came along, the little whore she is, and invited herself into my life. And I hope I never get listless; because I think my passion has been found.

On to my story...I have been working on my mid term for the last 3 weeks. I had to re-record the audio, because it was entirely crappy. (and I am a ridiculous perfectionist that will not sit on useless drivel) I finally got it to where I like it and it's usable. Luckily, my co worker is handy and told me about a plug-in for adjusting the volume. I am lame and recorded it a tad low.

Now, it's finally due on Saturday morning at 9am sharp. I feel like it is pretty done a this point, but I am thinking I will have the boy give it a final listen, and maybe I will tool around with the sound effects a tad more. (er- plug-ins)

Alright, s'pose I should get back to it.