I have been taking a sound design class as of late, and I absolutely adore it. I never knew I have such a fervor for creating sonic environments. I mean, when I go to class, I have never felt so jazzed before in my life. Even when I was talking Avid classes. Actually, I should thank them for turning me on to post audio. I realized how bored I was doing video, then audio came along, the little whore she is, and invited herself into my life. And I hope I never get listless; because I think my passion has been found.
On to my story...I have been working on my mid term for the last 3 weeks. I had to re-record the audio, because it was entirely crappy. (and I am a ridiculous perfectionist that will not sit on useless drivel) I finally got it to where I like it and it's usable. Luckily, my co worker is handy and told me about a plug-in for adjusting the volume. I am lame and recorded it a tad low.
Now, it's finally due on Saturday morning at 9am sharp. I feel like it is pretty done a this point, but I am thinking I will have the boy give it a final listen, and maybe I will tool around with the sound effects a tad more. (er- plug-ins)
Alright, s'pose I should get back to it.
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