I can't really name it "resolutions", more of a to-do list.
Shocked? Of course you're not.
I have been finally partaking in some social activities without my heart exploding, and it has been rather blissful. Surging anxiety that usually has me down for the count, is now easily swatted away like a Jehovah's Witness.
Empowered? Yes.
It has empowered me to the point of making some positive, neat changes in my daily routine.
1. Visit the large body of salinated water at least once a week. I acknowledge that I have thrown out this promise before, but after today's romp; I'm feeling motivated. Despite the new skin tone on my back, I will spend some quality time.
2. Buy local, in season produce. My reasoning for this is due to one terrible tasting butternut squash. I procured one at Fresh and Easy a few months ago, sliced it, generously applied the sweet, salty cream bath, and sent the squash on it's way to deliciousness. In the long 45 minutes that followed, I dabbed my mouth, catching all the drool that was needed to digest that buttery, caramelized squash. When I finally was able to luxuriate in that first bite, the dream died. The melty, sweet, delectable texture that I have been craving was flat, tasteless, and dreadful. I tossed it, knowing not even those pigeons outside would touch it. Belch.
3. Ride the bike. Go to the Gym. Swim. Stop being a lazy Lucy and get off the couch fer cryin' out loud!
4. Become a stronger swimmer so I can enjoy the ocean more. I can dog paddle, and half-ass breast stroke. One time I was "swimming" a dolphin swam over and kicked me out of the ocean. Rude.
Next week this list could include eating chicken faces for dinner every Monday.
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