Friday, April 30, 2010

Desert animals?

A short while ago, I trekked to the Mojave for a visit. I heard about this place called the "wild desert reserve" for months now, and I finally demanded a showing.

So, one fine day in November, I took a trip.


This poor goat wanted some leaves so badly. He continued to gaze hopefully at the branches, waiting for some to fall, or for one of us to assist him.

This lil' fellah was just hanging out. He wasn't in a cage, just some random desert lizard, enjoying the mid-afternoon sun.


Underwear idea?

Crazy kitties!

Alright, I know this is not about Coachella, but I will get back to that shortly. I think all of you that skim this blog appreciate my ADD. It's just been so long since I posted kittens for all to enjoy.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Coachella makes me steamy

More exciting things to come!