Monday, December 28, 2009
Tater tot!
My mom let me gift him with the regal title of "tater tot". He is very tiny, and very sweet. He crawled into my bag a few times, after he sat on my knee.
I live a very exciting life.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
work schmurk!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
some more lost writings
Rash, prairie dogs, rash, prairie dogs...I continued my quest for the answer to my current debacle. I am not too keen on rashes, but I sure do love prairie dogs. I gave up momentarily, only to find myself stepping on broken pieces of sunflower shells. Gingerly, I flicked off piece by piece of shell while questioning the idea of selling the gerbils to large blue mouse that I once met. Speaking of which, I was half expecting a phone call from the bastard.
Some old writings
"You smell that, fresh cake, sweet frosting?" A ghoulish rubber face sitted next to me demanded an answer. I ignored his pleas of validation, continuing my search for a place to hide during the zombie holocaust. As I proceeded, a lowly looking fellow took the empty seat next to me. Squeals of delight and frustrations were being emitted. I wasn't sure what to think of them, so I took the liberty of asking him to quiet down. Not more than 5 seconds after my request, the gentleman revealed a pistol that looked part shotgun and part silly putty. His down syndrome-induced grin made me think twice about my requests. A moment of whatif swept by; maybe I should have just agreed with the rubber face about the cake. Sadly, I did not have enough crazy in me to grant it. A part of me hoped to escape this predicament without a bruise, but the downs's fanny pack told me otherwise.
Allocation! Coordination!
Repeatedly, the downs mimicked my 5th grade speech teacher. I thought nothing of this encounter previously, until the fanny pack incident. Luckily, all that the fanny pack had against me was a spoon that he bent while practicing his telekinesis and a set of dentures that turn him into batman.
Goo-goo! Thruuppp!
A quick peek to my right ensured me that the cake guy was up to no good; only this time a baby was in on it. Some graphite scribbling and a trail of drool began forming on my hand. A few dots, some lines…was the baby trying to tell me something in Morse code?! Perhaps this baby…before I could continue my delusions, the anti Christ or whatever I thought it was began blubbering and drooling.
Allocation! Coordination!
Repeatedly, the downs mimicked my 5th grade speech teacher. I thought nothing of this encounter previously, until the fanny pack incident. Luckily, all that the fanny pack had against me was a spoon that he bent while practicing his telekinesis and a set of dentures that turn him into batman.
Goo-goo! Thruuppp!
A quick peek to my right ensured me that the cake guy was up to no good; only this time a baby was in on it. Some graphite scribbling and a trail of drool began forming on my hand. A few dots, some lines…was the baby trying to tell me something in Morse code?! Perhaps this baby…before I could continue my delusions, the anti Christ or whatever I thought it was began blubbering and drooling.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Ricky gets his Christmas wish

My mom has a disabled kitty that she takes out on excursions. His name is Ricky, and he meows deep and righteously. She pushes him in a cat stroller. I initially thought she pushed him in a baby stroller, which made me savor the imagery much more. Especially when she mentioned pushing him in the stroller with my stepdad near the elementary school by their house. She said something about how she didn't want to go by there because she didn't want the kids to point and run up to the stroller...I thought it would be she didn't want to be seen pushing a cat in a baby stroller.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Master Controlin' and high fivin'
This is my first blog about master control
We have this HD feed that's going to over 200 stations. Pretty big deal. I also should be checking the schedules for the networks we monitor, but instead; I'm typing out my daily drivel. (it's less tedious)
Also, I just ate all my Everything Pretzel thins from Trader Joe's....lame.
We have this HD feed that's going to over 200 stations. Pretty big deal. I also should be checking the schedules for the networks we monitor, but instead; I'm typing out my daily drivel. (it's less tedious)
Also, I just ate all my Everything Pretzel thins from Trader Joe's....lame.
Sitting in the corner seems appropriate.
I haven't been doing anything lately...and it's been pretty neat. I've embraced watching television on the couch (albeit; I have been taking mental notes of the sound design: it's not complete laziness) eating waaay too much sugar, thinking and being myself without restraint, and loving being with a man that loves me for who and what I am. Having someone encouraging, supportive, and loving to the Nth degree feels surreal. We are already discussing possible travel destinations for next year. (in between all the marathonin' he wants to do)
Being with my ex seems like light years ago, and I still cannot believe I was with him for so long. People mistake comfort for love, ending up staying in relationships for far too long than they should.
Here's to all the bois and girls that are holdin' it down: you rock it hard, and I love, admire and respect all of you for the challenges we face, the decisions we make, and the bullshit we take.
love and besos,
"Whatever there be of progress in life comes not through adaptation but through daring.'
"All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act without benefit of experience."
Henry Miller
Being with my ex seems like light years ago, and I still cannot believe I was with him for so long. People mistake comfort for love, ending up staying in relationships for far too long than they should.
Here's to all the bois and girls that are holdin' it down: you rock it hard, and I love, admire and respect all of you for the challenges we face, the decisions we make, and the bullshit we take.
love and besos,
"Whatever there be of progress in life comes not through adaptation but through daring.'
"All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act without benefit of experience."
Henry Miller
Monday, November 09, 2009
Kitty, come home to momma!
I am dying to adopt this sweet kitteh. She's 2 years old, looks grouchy, has a voice like Kathleen Turner, and sweet as can be.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Where you'll find me on a thursday nite.
It's ma new couch! I have already logged a few hours of sleep, laziness, drool, and farts. we didn't get the protection plan because once the salesmen looked at my boyfriend and said "urine" was covered, we knew it was not meant for us. Now I joke that he likes to pee on the couch.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Cosmo means asshole in ancient language
Monday, October 26, 2009
Unborn...sort of wished it stayed that way.
Watched a really terrible movie last night; if you can believe it, worse than Day of the Dead remake.
No joke, really.
The Unborn.
For the love of the unborn, don't see it. The plot, is just. plain. awful.
Dreadful, really.
The whole thing starts because she was pregnant with twins. (sorr-no, you know what? I'm not apologizing for giving away the ending because A. you will thank me later B. Wiki always gives it away)
Enough with the creepy child crap. Children already scare me; I need no more reasons to run away from them.
No joke, really.
The Unborn.
For the love of the unborn, don't see it. The plot, is just. plain. awful.
Dreadful, really.
The whole thing starts because she was pregnant with twins. (sorr-no, you know what? I'm not apologizing for giving away the ending because A. you will thank me later B. Wiki always gives it away)
Enough with the creepy child crap. Children already scare me; I need no more reasons to run away from them.
Abusing the semi-colon was on my To-do list
I got my grade back for my project, and it was I guess what I was expecting. A part of me was sad; all the hours I put into the lame thing, and it was pretty much me not obsessing about the right parts.
Oh well, I guess.
In unrelated news, a couch purchase was made. Totally rad. I am way too pumped for this new piece of furniture. Especially all the naps I'm gonna take. Boy and I are doing really well. It feels surreal that things are going so fabu. Two friends of mine that have been single fo' evah are meeting decent men and going on great dates: yay! My very special friend's divorce is filed, and as we speak; maybe be completed! Months of misery are now over (I'm hoping anyway)
Ran into one of my fave people in the universe: Ms. Bohanon ('cuz I'm nasty) at the RFD in Santa Monica. She's doing ultra well, and there is a playdate in the near future. She recently moved to Silverlake, and she and her roomie are renting a sweet casa. After the run in, it took forever for my heart to stop racing. It was beyond awesome to see her; being that she is such a good, sweet lady and I miss hangin out with her. One of my favorites in L.A. (on the basis that I am pretty sure we were separated at birth - although a few years part; I attribute that she was put in a refrigerator for a while then taken out for good measure.) Then after the spaztastic reunion, delicious vittles were had. Tempeh meat loaf, steamed veggies, mashed potatoes and gravy, with a Caesar salad, organic beer; and more than perfect company, the evening was complete.
Hmmm...what else?
The love of the Lucite wheel finally brought me to my knees last Thursday. It involved my sister, Glendale, Thai food, and yours truly. Moonlight rollersomething or other is pretty fantastic, and recommended if you love to skate and listen to top 40s music. We were exasperated when we heard "Get into the Groove" by the one and only Madge as we were leaving. I try to always request some 80s goodness at the roller rink, and we were not able to this time. Although "thriller" was played. There was also some bad dancing, singing, and some older folks hot doggin' on the plywood as well.
Also, met up with (finally) this sweet lady that goes by the name of Lisa a few weeks ago. Excellent time, except for some douche bags. Hopefully will get to see her lovely and intelligent mug again soon.
Oh well, I guess.
In unrelated news, a couch purchase was made. Totally rad. I am way too pumped for this new piece of furniture. Especially all the naps I'm gonna take. Boy and I are doing really well. It feels surreal that things are going so fabu. Two friends of mine that have been single fo' evah are meeting decent men and going on great dates: yay! My very special friend's divorce is filed, and as we speak; maybe be completed! Months of misery are now over (I'm hoping anyway)
Ran into one of my fave people in the universe: Ms. Bohanon ('cuz I'm nasty) at the RFD in Santa Monica. She's doing ultra well, and there is a playdate in the near future. She recently moved to Silverlake, and she and her roomie are renting a sweet casa. After the run in, it took forever for my heart to stop racing. It was beyond awesome to see her; being that she is such a good, sweet lady and I miss hangin out with her. One of my favorites in L.A. (on the basis that I am pretty sure we were separated at birth - although a few years part; I attribute that she was put in a refrigerator for a while then taken out for good measure.) Then after the spaztastic reunion, delicious vittles were had. Tempeh meat loaf, steamed veggies, mashed potatoes and gravy, with a Caesar salad, organic beer; and more than perfect company, the evening was complete.
Hmmm...what else?
The love of the Lucite wheel finally brought me to my knees last Thursday. It involved my sister, Glendale, Thai food, and yours truly. Moonlight rollersomething or other is pretty fantastic, and recommended if you love to skate and listen to top 40s music. We were exasperated when we heard "Get into the Groove" by the one and only Madge as we were leaving. I try to always request some 80s goodness at the roller rink, and we were not able to this time. Although "thriller" was played. There was also some bad dancing, singing, and some older folks hot doggin' on the plywood as well.
Also, met up with (finally) this sweet lady that goes by the name of Lisa a few weeks ago. Excellent time, except for some douche bags. Hopefully will get to see her lovely and intelligent mug again soon.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
It's just me and you, Pro Tools.
I have been taking a sound design class as of late, and I absolutely adore it. I never knew I have such a fervor for creating sonic environments. I mean, when I go to class, I have never felt so jazzed before in my life. Even when I was talking Avid classes. Actually, I should thank them for turning me on to post audio. I realized how bored I was doing video, then audio came along, the little whore she is, and invited herself into my life. And I hope I never get listless; because I think my passion has been found.
On to my story...I have been working on my mid term for the last 3 weeks. I had to re-record the audio, because it was entirely crappy. (and I am a ridiculous perfectionist that will not sit on useless drivel) I finally got it to where I like it and it's usable. Luckily, my co worker is handy and told me about a plug-in for adjusting the volume. I am lame and recorded it a tad low.
Now, it's finally due on Saturday morning at 9am sharp. I feel like it is pretty done a this point, but I am thinking I will have the boy give it a final listen, and maybe I will tool around with the sound effects a tad more. (er- plug-ins)
Alright, s'pose I should get back to it.
On to my story...I have been working on my mid term for the last 3 weeks. I had to re-record the audio, because it was entirely crappy. (and I am a ridiculous perfectionist that will not sit on useless drivel) I finally got it to where I like it and it's usable. Luckily, my co worker is handy and told me about a plug-in for adjusting the volume. I am lame and recorded it a tad low.
Now, it's finally due on Saturday morning at 9am sharp. I feel like it is pretty done a this point, but I am thinking I will have the boy give it a final listen, and maybe I will tool around with the sound effects a tad more. (er- plug-ins)
Alright, s'pose I should get back to it.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Bath tub friends
Cleaning my bathtub, I came across this fellah. Or, should I say, lady? I'm thinking it was a female mosquito, a rarity in L.A. It seemed to be getting along fine with the cucharachas. I'm thinking they were going to make her their queen?
Monday, August 24, 2009
Too many apologies
I'm moving and have not been able to write...will do so once I have my brain in order.
Miss you,
Miss you,
Saturday, August 15, 2009
personal cakes done right.
Stop wasting time reviewing a place that doesn't really have much intrigue to you. Personally, I do not mind paying $3.50 a pop for one. Why? Because if they are done right, they are done RIGHT.
The above mentioned, Strawberry shortcake, is so fucking brilliant. Strawberries chopped up in the frosting, a delicate white cake, plus an injection of cream and chopped 'berries in the middle.
So, if you can do that all at home for $3, and have that many, can I come over?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Living in my obdulla oblongata is better than reality.
I decided today that my closet needed a ferocious cleaning and organising. I know that the roaches have been co-habitating there, and since their favorite kitchen spots were no more, my closet provided the ultimate in nesting.
Upon entering, I was greeted by a delightful momma roach. She welcomed me in to the squalor, hung my hat and offered me a cup of joe. I delined. Should probably have been a tad nicer, but I had items to tend to. She prattled on and on about how many times she has moved in the past few hours because no where is safe anymore. I took a step in and noticed the sack of puppies on her back. Her children needed to be able to play and be kids with out worrying. I told her all would be taken care of. Her pinpoint eyes and antennae twitched with curiousity and delight. So many questions she had for me. Ignoring her rampant inquisitions, my hands made good of the distraction and grabbed what could be the solution for mama roaches everywhere.
Drawing each breath lightly, I delivered on my promise. Her tiny antennaes curled as her legs buckled underneath her flightless body. Her wing softened the fall as her last words were heard.
"Lemons were always my favorite."
Upon entering, I was greeted by a delightful momma roach. She welcomed me in to the squalor, hung my hat and offered me a cup of joe. I delined. Should probably have been a tad nicer, but I had items to tend to. She prattled on and on about how many times she has moved in the past few hours because no where is safe anymore. I took a step in and noticed the sack of puppies on her back. Her children needed to be able to play and be kids with out worrying. I told her all would be taken care of. Her pinpoint eyes and antennae twitched with curiousity and delight. So many questions she had for me. Ignoring her rampant inquisitions, my hands made good of the distraction and grabbed what could be the solution for mama roaches everywhere.
Drawing each breath lightly, I delivered on my promise. Her tiny antennaes curled as her legs buckled underneath her flightless body. Her wing softened the fall as her last words were heard.
"Lemons were always my favorite."
Saturday, July 04, 2009
After we go to Intelligentsia, let's rob a bank.
Went to Intelligentsia the other day, and ordered what I thought to be a a normal, delicious espresso. It came with a glass of sparking water, which was an excellent addition.
Beautiful crema, perfect taste. Just what I expected.
What I didn't expect, a couple hours later was the intense surge of anxiety, nausea, and adrenalin that appeared at my doorstep. A friend of mine and I were perusing some shops that were in the area, and I just couldn't handle it. And not because I was in Silver lake. We went to Flore, a vegan place that served a marvelous BLT constructed of tempeh, avocado, and the rest of the fixings. I was hoping it would ale me of the horrible over-caffination, but I still felt a little off.
I was expected at a house warming, and I could not muster any control over my bowels. I came close to releasing a present to my panties if there wasn't a restroom near by. Luckily, by the sheer will of my sphincter, it held on til it wasn't required to any further. Poor bastards in line behind me though.
I think I flushed it enough times to evacuate the stench. Let's hope anyways.
Beautiful crema, perfect taste. Just what I expected.
What I didn't expect, a couple hours later was the intense surge of anxiety, nausea, and adrenalin that appeared at my doorstep. A friend of mine and I were perusing some shops that were in the area, and I just couldn't handle it. And not because I was in Silver lake. We went to Flore, a vegan place that served a marvelous BLT constructed of tempeh, avocado, and the rest of the fixings. I was hoping it would ale me of the horrible over-caffination, but I still felt a little off.
I was expected at a house warming, and I could not muster any control over my bowels. I came close to releasing a present to my panties if there wasn't a restroom near by. Luckily, by the sheer will of my sphincter, it held on til it wasn't required to any further. Poor bastards in line behind me though.
I think I flushed it enough times to evacuate the stench. Let's hope anyways.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The roaches are throwing a coup d'etat!!!
I just killed 8, one inch beasts!!
One even had a sack of puppies on her back!!
I just killed 8, one inch beasts!!
One even had a sack of puppies on her back!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
"What is REAL?" asked the Rabbit one day, when they were lying side by side near the nursery fender, before Nana came to tidy the room. "Does it mean having things that buzz inside you and a stick-out handle?""Real isn't how you are made," said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.""Does it hurt?" asked the Rabbit."Sometimes," said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. "When you are Real you don't mind being hurt.""Does it happen all at once, like being wound up," he asked, "or bit by bit?""It doesn't happen all at once," said the Skin Horse. "You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in your joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand." - Margery Williams, THE VELVETEEN RABBIT
Daily affirmations...selected quotes by Pema Chodron
We habitually erect a barrier called blame that keeps us from communicating genuinely with others, and we fortify it with our concepts of who's right and who's wrong. We do that with the people who are closest to us and we do it with political systems, with all kinds of things that we don't like about our associates or our society. It is a very common, ancient, well-perfected device for trying to feel better. Blame others. Blaming is a way to protect your heart, trying to protect what is soft and open and tender in yourself. Rather than own that pain, we scramble to find some comfortable ground
A further sign of health is that we don't become undone by fear and trembling, but we take it as a message that it's time to stop struggling and look directly at what's threatening us
If you follow your heart, you're going to find that it is often extremely inconvenient.
When we start out on a spiritual path we often have ideals we think we’re supposed to live up to. We feel we’re supposed to be better than we are in some way. But with this practice you take yourself completely as you are. Then ironically, taking in pain – breathing it in for yourself and all others in the same boat as you are – heightens your awareness of exactly where you’re stuck.
If we learn to open our hearts, anyone, including the people who drive us crazy, can be our teacher
A further sign of health is that we don't become undone by fear and trembling, but we take it as a message that it's time to stop struggling and look directly at what's threatening us
If you follow your heart, you're going to find that it is often extremely inconvenient.
When we start out on a spiritual path we often have ideals we think we’re supposed to live up to. We feel we’re supposed to be better than we are in some way. But with this practice you take yourself completely as you are. Then ironically, taking in pain – breathing it in for yourself and all others in the same boat as you are – heightens your awareness of exactly where you’re stuck.
If we learn to open our hearts, anyone, including the people who drive us crazy, can be our teacher
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
this may induce vomit
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Monday, June 08, 2009
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
My once and always obsession
Diane Arbus.
I adore her work, so I thought I would do a short post in tribute.
My friend Emilie and I adore her, we caught her exhibit at the Walker back in 2006, I believe.

I adore her work, so I thought I would do a short post in tribute.

Saturday, May 30, 2009
finicky felines make for good side dishes
My sweet, dear mother runs a foster care for kittens and mama cats that are about to give birth. She does it for a no-kill organization in Minnesota called "Last Hope", and she has basically re-organized her life to care for the orphan kittehs.
When I go home, I sort of (read: REALLY, REALLY, EXCITED!!!!) get pumped to sleep over at mom's house because I wake up swathed in felines. It's really the best ever.
Anyways, I am thinking of posting all of the kitty pics my mom sends me via picture messages. They border on arcane, but I really appreciate being sent pictures of little Felis domesticuses.
And, whatever they find in their live trap. (skunks, raccoons, stray troubled cats)
When I go home, I sort of (read: REALLY, REALLY, EXCITED!!!!) get pumped to sleep over at mom's house because I wake up swathed in felines. It's really the best ever.
Anyways, I am thinking of posting all of the kitty pics my mom sends me via picture messages. They border on arcane, but I really appreciate being sent pictures of little Felis domesticuses.
And, whatever they find in their live trap. (skunks, raccoons, stray troubled cats)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Watch out, you may be getting this.
Grabbing my ankles isn't too bad
Ah...Los Angeles.
City of (broken) dreams, palm trees, health food, and business tax.
I'm sure most cities do, but it's the first time I have been afflicted with it. I work a few freelance gigs, and now I have to pay up to City Hall. My boy and I went down to the Van Nuys City Hall, and all they did was give me waiver to clear the penalities. Not to say that i am not grateful for not having to pay the extra, but you know. Paying nothing would've been nice. (insert winky face here)
But, I am happy; albeit broke.
City of (broken) dreams, palm trees, health food, and business tax.
I'm sure most cities do, but it's the first time I have been afflicted with it. I work a few freelance gigs, and now I have to pay up to City Hall. My boy and I went down to the Van Nuys City Hall, and all they did was give me waiver to clear the penalities. Not to say that i am not grateful for not having to pay the extra, but you know. Paying nothing would've been nice. (insert winky face here)
But, I am happy; albeit broke.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Mom, I'm home!
I have finally given in. There's menus in the works, and yours truly is going from inventor of micro nations to cooker of quasi-gourmet meals.
It's quite the transition, I'm sure.
Maybe some samosa0-filled potatoes?
Maybe some samosa0-filled potatoes?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Post-depression photo op

Continuing on, I was very upset and called my parents, and a couple good friends to tell them what he had done to me. And after many cigarettes and tears, I took this photo before I was promptly kicked out of the coffee shop where I was dwelling.
More random shots of the large apple
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I finally gave in to my need of cleaning and sorting my paperwork. It has been a dreadful journey, one that I took a break from a few minutes ago. I disappeared to Vegan plate and rewarded myself with some chicken satays.
So, now that I am back and ready for some action; I decided to let you know of my goings and comings. I still have more pics to post, but I need to slice them up right, and I can't spend too much time on this blasted thing.
One more thing: I did this top 5 things that I want to learn, and one of them I chose "ass kicker". But here's the thing: an image of a prosthetic leg came up and the image said "This is my ass kicking leg" then the rest of it was all, "win an asskicking contest"
Oh man.
Too funny.
So, now that I am back and ready for some action; I decided to let you know of my goings and comings. I still have more pics to post, but I need to slice them up right, and I can't spend too much time on this blasted thing.
One more thing: I did this top 5 things that I want to learn, and one of them I chose "ass kicker". But here's the thing: an image of a prosthetic leg came up and the image said "This is my ass kicking leg" then the rest of it was all, "win an asskicking contest"
Oh man.
Too funny.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Some Coney Island excitement
You won this time squirrel.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Oh Chai latte, we had so many happy times together; remember in MPLS when it was a crisp fall evening and I would sip you excitedly. Perhaps a mate was in tow; we would inhale your pumpkin spice goodness in between tobacco filled debates.
That, unfortunately, was ages ago.
Last night before work, I stopped by a chain coffee oasis for a chai and latte. The latter was for me; my coworker is a big fan of the chai. After making nice with the barista, I scooped up the hot bevvies with the thought of handing off the drink to my pal.
I thought we were friends chai; I thought we went waaaay back.
Little less than 2 minutes, chai is makin' itself at home, spillin' every which way without a care or concern. In complete disbelief, I made attempts to clean up the chai party that was happening in my car.
No avail.
My submissive nature made it easier for it; I stacked my latte on top and felt the wrath...
...allll down my arm.
Burning, awful pain; Chai latte, you are a jerk.
That, unfortunately, was ages ago.
Last night before work, I stopped by a chain coffee oasis for a chai and latte. The latter was for me; my coworker is a big fan of the chai. After making nice with the barista, I scooped up the hot bevvies with the thought of handing off the drink to my pal.
I thought we were friends chai; I thought we went waaaay back.
Little less than 2 minutes, chai is makin' itself at home, spillin' every which way without a care or concern. In complete disbelief, I made attempts to clean up the chai party that was happening in my car.
No avail.
My submissive nature made it easier for it; I stacked my latte on top and felt the wrath...
...allll down my arm.
Burning, awful pain; Chai latte, you are a jerk.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Friday, May 01, 2009
I write reviews for Yelp, which is an oddly guilty pleasure. Telling people what's good and what is terrible is a hobby of mine.
Anyways, Yelp sends out a weekly email about what's good in different parts of L.A. They did one about comic shops in the valley, and they took a snippet of my review for the email! I know this does not seem like a big deal, but I am super elated that they chose mine.
Here's a piece:
"An unpretentious comic shop?" Lauren H raves that's exactly what you'll find at the House of Secrets in Burbank: "You can chat with the owners about your favorite writers and trades... Then they tell you about awesome upcoming events with them. Yea!"
It made me grin.
Anyways, Yelp sends out a weekly email about what's good in different parts of L.A. They did one about comic shops in the valley, and they took a snippet of my review for the email! I know this does not seem like a big deal, but I am super elated that they chose mine.
Here's a piece:
"An unpretentious comic shop?" Lauren H raves that's exactly what you'll find at the House of Secrets in Burbank: "You can chat with the owners about your favorite writers and trades... Then they tell you about awesome upcoming events with them. Yea!"
It made me grin.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
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