Saturday, July 08, 2006

Good News, that sore should clear up after a week.

The recruiter called me the other day at work, after getting an email from HR stating that I was interested in a job opportunity. She mentioned that she didn't have my resume and I sent that along with the job that I have wanted. (Which I still could be rejected for or might not pay enough) I have a lot of hope for this, it would be a new job experience and it is something that I think that I would excel at. Besides, if I get shut down for a PA job I am going to be feeling a little down. Although I could always still apply for the master control position in Burbank; it is a definite possiblity. I feel that I should have applied for that one first knowing that I currently am in that field. Oh well, I guess I will just have to sink or swim. Wish me luck.

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