Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I got the lumps in me bum, I do!

I went to the doctor the other day and she did one of my personal fave exams: rectal. I knew this was coming and I tried to prepare for the worst. Her wandering finger in my brown eye didn't really set me at ease, but I remembered that early detection is important so I let her at it. She told me she felt a couple of peanut-sized lumps on my rectum and then began to question me about colon cancer. I sat there sort of listening, mostly concentrating on the word "Cancer".
Sometimes after I hear cancer, I like to add, "That's Hilarious!" But Amy Sedaris wasn't going to save my bum from the knife and I figured I should behave like an adult. Although the doctor did mention that the bumps could be from my bladder infection. I hope so. I really can't handle more stress; with moving and whatnot. I need to be healthy and strong. I guess I will be hoping for the best, wish me luck...

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