Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Book Club!!

My coworkers and I, well, my coworker announced that we should have a "Star Wars" book club. After much debate, and interjection about needing some Wicket (he may have an untold biography out there), we settled on Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith. Apparently, my Ewok or Wookie suggestion was ignored, and abused. I didn't think it was that possible to conjure up that much stink eye from one person. Noted.

The e-book is free online, even though I am quite the stalwart supporter of regular old books. I will see how long I will be able to read this on my phone. I foresee that I will break down and buy this softcover book...I'll be known as Darth Impetuous by noon tomorrow.


Stevel Knievel said...

I see no point in this book club, unless the Wicket biography is on the list. Or maybe a sleazy Chewie tell all about his sexy adventures in Mos Eisley? There have got to be some crazy whorehouses and things there, I mean it is a wretched hive of scum and villiany an all...

Laurenation said...

I would drop everything; quit my job, sell my car, and do nothing but read the sleazy Chewie's tell all.

Stevel Knievel said...

hahahaha maybe I should write it? Perhaps that's how I can make my fortune, wookie porn... It could be the next 50 shades of grey!