Sunday, November 18, 2012

Things I continue to lie to my self about

1. Finishing what I started:  I LOVE the first phase of deciding to learn a language/play an instrument/learn a new craft/read. When I decide to something, I really am enthusiastic. I tell everyone, half hoping the spread of my new hobby will encourage me to success. When I was asked a month ago how my Arabic was going, I responded: schwayay-schwayay (little by little) which was met by approving nods, and praise for my foray into migraine inducing linguistics. Little do they know, that was the only word I retained.

2.  I have lots of passion for what I do: The only thing I have it for is the one thing I can't have...a houseful of cats.

3. enrolling in a MMA or yoga class:  Surrounded by other people, sweating. Self-explanatory.

4. I'm going to write a blog entry that does not include a list:  Sarcasm not required. You already know it's not going to happen.

5. Finish all the drafts in my blogger:   refer to number 2.

1 comment:

Stevel Knievel said...

True story: I actually started a blog about how I never finish what I start and how I can't ever seem to accomplish things. It's still in my drafts, I never finished it...