Friday, February 12, 2010

A day(s) in the life.

A rousing game of checkers at the hooka lounge. We smoked strawberry/watermelon tobaccy, while viewing celebrity rehab. Believe it or not, awkward was not in our dictionary.

Museum of Jurassic Technology tea room. I think this is the classiest he's ever looked..I kid.

Oh, the puppies of the sea*!

Scads of 'em! Although, the seagull really puts the cherry on the know he's yelling out things to the sea lions, while pooping on them.

I get awfully excited by inter tubes, especially when I am on a boat in the middle of the ocean. It's just feels

*I know that sting rays are the official puppy of the sea. Sea lions just look so similar to puppies. Fact: they are actually closer to bears. Really.

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