Saturday, May 01, 2010

Changing horses mid-stream might be a good idea.

For a while now, there has been some debate in the house of Laurenation whether or not I should change blogging formats. Blogger, which has been good to me over the years, has been slightly frustrating to use. My pictures don't post correctly, the captions end up crooked, and mobile blogging on my new phone has been a tad more complicated.

Blogger, please don't blame it on my Cliq XT. I know you love the blame game, but this time; I am thinking it's your fault.

The Android marketplace has a Word Press application that makes it easy to blog on the go, which I enjoy tremendously. Posting pictures during my adventures is mas importante, and sometimes it doesn't go swimmingly. There's formatting issues, and usually need to go back in and fix the empty spaces on the entries...hmmm.

The hardest part is I have been on Blogger since 2005, and it has become my warm, well-loved blanket.

Decisions, decisions.

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